18 de fevereiro de 2014

Looking for new doors, if not, a window

Thinking in a very conceptual way about doors, they represent new opportunities in life and sometimes when we found ourselves lost in the road a window is good enough. I confess, I have a thing for doors, the real ones, special love for front doors, they have in me this notion of a new opportunity for the unknown, and at the same time is the sometimes familiar feeling of that is home and there you are safe.

I’m now looking for a door to pass through, if not, I will be satisfied with a window, a simple one, no tricks, it opens, I pass and go on with my life.

29 de outubro de 2013

The lightness of being

Once a read "The unbearable lightness of being" from Milan Kundera, went right away for my most favorite books of all time. Is not so much about how to be light or whatever you may think, is about how unforgiving it is this lightness we fell when we are being ourselves.
But, actually wasn't about that what I was thinking now and was sharing here. I want to talk about the actual lightness of being, or living, better saying. We go through so much every day, and sometimes this moment of our lives seems like the worst of ever, probably is not. I found my self now enjoying more the life I have, and enjoying even those bad moments, because are those that give the proper importance to all the good ones, is the distance that gives importance to be close...

21 de novembro de 2012

Le Pantone: Black

By any means, black is always that color (actually is not considered a color) we use during the Autoum and Winter the most, so this a ode to all that black we love! And I swear by the sword that I use a lot of color during this time too, but I can't resist to a black coat, black botties and of course a little black dress, that one I can't resist the all year! And to go along, this music from Black Sabbath, timeless, like the LBD!